Sackville Heights Elementary School

Report Cards and Upcoming Parent Teacher

Afternoon Families,

Today report cards for Term 2 have been sent home electronically.

The format for our conversations with families will be different this term.

The afternoon timeslots will be for phone interviews with parents and families who have specific concerns about their child or for specific concerns the classroom teacher would like to discuss with you (they will be in touch if this is the case). 

The evening will be set up as an open house for P-2 and student led conference for 3-5. This format does not allow for private conversations, but you will be able to get a good sense of how they are doing from the work they will be sharing with you, and we can update you on their progress as well. We are excited for your child to build their confidence and share their learning. Please remind your child they are sharing their work at their desks and leaving the toys and electronics for another time.

Families who require a phone interview are also invited to participate in the evening open house.  

Use the following link to book either afternoon or both afternoon and evening times.