Sackville Heights Elementary School

Parking Issues

Morning Families,

We are so pleased with how the drop and go is working in the morning.  We do have a few vehicles that continue to park across the accessible parking spaces or other unsafe areas to drop off students and we ask families use either the drop and go or park at the church.  Thank you for help in making the morning drop off continue to flow smoothly.

The afternoon pick up is unfortunately not running as well.  We are seeing vehicles blocking the accessible parking spaces.  There are also many vehicles blocking in parked staff cars, as well as creating additional parking spaces in unmarked areas where the flow of traffic needs to be clear.  Please use only open marked parking spaces or the church parking lot to park and leave your vehicle while collecting your children.

Once the drop and go line is full and all parking spaces are taken, please proceed to the church parking lot.

Drivers in the drop and go need to stay with their vehicles, not park and go meet a student so that the flow of the parking lot can be maintained.

For families wanting to meet their children at their dismissal door, will need to find an empty parking spot or park at the church.

The traffic is backing up onto Old Sackville Road stalling all traffic in both directions as no additional vehicles can enter or exit the parking lot.

Once the winter weather starts, there will be even less space available.  We have asked for police support and have been advised to close the parking lot in the afternoon should the issues continue.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation as we continue to work towards a safe dismissal for all students.

