Sackville Heights Elementary School

Parking Lot

Afternoon Families,

With the snow now here, we wanted to again share with you expectations for using the parking lot.

For morning drop off:

In the morning, students should be arriving by bus or being dropped off in the drop and go line.  If you would like to walk your child to the school and require parking, you must park in the church parking lot.  Please do not park in the parking lot in the morning. Many of our staff start at different times of the morning and cannot access parking spaces, especially now with the snow blocking several of the spots.

For afternoon pick up:

Please do not block in cars.  Thank you for being mindful of staff who have finished their day and are trying to exit the parking lot. As well, if you are in the drop and go line, please do not park and leave your vehicle there while you collect a child as the flow of traffic cannot continue.

We appreciate your support,
